Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Packing to move

In about one more week, the Heimbucks will be moving out of their home and into a new home near Denver. As I sort through boxes, trying to consolidate, I'm stumbling upon great memories and books that I don't need anymore (never thought that would happen). There is something about the sense of moving into a home as a family, a home that we chose together, that presents joy, anticipation about who will be our community and a need on my behalf, to have as many things cleared out, given away, or happily stored so that we can start our memories without clutter. Since de-cluttering our home in trying to sell it, I have physically felt better and mentally felt that there was some space to think about other things then,"I need to clean that up," or,"Did I finish . . .". It is a great feeling and I highly encourage all to do what you can. This has been a long process and it doesn't mean that we won't be making other trips to drop off stuff at the Goodwill, or shredding a box full of papers; but certain things from the past have been put to rest, put away, to make room for the present. I want to be a present mom, mindful, aware and creative. A new house will not suddenly bring that, it has to start with me, now. The discipline of showing our house has changed so many habits of our family, that I really feel like this new house is a new start. I can't wait to see what memories we make there, what items I will be reminiscing about in ten years and what I will need to hold close to me due to sentiment and what I will be able to let go. All I know is that I will be with my family and we will all be eating dinner together again and that's all I need.